
Electronic Benefits Transfer is designed to help you reduce costs and save time in processing government benefits transactions. Electronic Benefits Transfer is currently being tested and applied by the U.S. Government in food stamp distribution and welfare programs.

What is Electronic Benefits Transfer?

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is electronic issuance to, and the transfer of government benefit funds from, a recipient’s benefit account, allowing the recipient to buy goods and services or receive cash. EBT is processed similarly to that of online debit transactions using proprietary magnetic stripe cards in lieu of paper food stamps or paper checks.

Gift & Loyality

Handling governmental benefits transactions electronically:
For supermarkets, food stores, convenience stores, drug stores and mass merchandisers, EBT may have an immediate impact. All states are required by law to switch food stamp programs to EBT by 2002. EBT will likely be the predominate form of payment for this industry, with a potential for 93 million monthly transactions in the United States.